How to Write in Your Own Voice & Not Cringe When You Do It

  Ghostwriters are the freelance writing world’s shape-shifters. You’re expected to write in the manner and style as the person hiring you. Do this for 8 hours straight and you’ll really be a ghost with your true self buried six-feet under. When you want to shift gear and start writing your own stuff, you find…

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How Tam Pham Cured My Writing Problem

“I love writing! That’s something I can do all day!” [Stares at blank document for 45 minutes.] “Umm…maybe I need some inspiration?” [Logs in to Facebook. Writes super long value-packed posts in a couple of Facebook groups. Takes a selfie, uploads it on Instagram with deep inspirational caption. Tweets 20 people on Twitter. Time spent:…

Categorized as Blog, Medium