It’s crazy how all eyes are set on growing a large following on social media. I’m not saying having a sizable following is a bad thing. What I’m saying is that the focus is a bit off. There’s something so much more important than having a large following that a lot of people miss out…
Author: Vicky Law
Freelance writer and content marketer on a mission to kick ass, touch hearts and pick your target audience's pockets with my writing.
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Episode #8: Reasons Why You Should NOT Be An Influencer
Almost everyone wants to be an influencer. And if you’re curious enough to listen to this podcast, I guess you’re among them too. The truth is that there is more to being an influencer than you think. In this episode I share 3 reasons you should NOT be an influencer. But make sure you stick…
Episode #7: Stop Being the Superhero in Someone Else’s Story
Diving deep into a disturbing topic, TBH. My thoughts: “Oh, I need to help my friend and be there for them for EVERYTHING they are going through.” Me: *Crashes and burns* I had a problem. I was trying to be the superhero to everyone around me. Not that trying to save my friends from tricky…
Episode #6: How to Create Your Own Reality
Ever heard of the saying “whatever you focus on expands”? In this episode, I share my personal story of when my predominant thoughts became true. I consistently nursed the thought that I am dumb and this gave birth to a situation that came with really bad consequences. You have the power to create your reality…
Episode #5: How to Deal with Horrible People
My bloopers will never end, will they? *Face Palm* Oops! I called the featured song ‘Personal‘. It’s actually called ‘Nothing Personal‘. Sorry guys. Anyway, back to the business of the day… In episode #5 I talk about my way of dealing with horrible people. Here are 3 things you can do to deal with horrible…